My parents own a plant nursery, so my husband and I were lucky enough to use heaps and heaps of their succulents for our wedding decorations. One of my favorite parts of the whole fiasco was that I got to handpick my bouquet from a greenhouse full of hundreds of echeverias. I had decided - as brides do - that I wanted one very special gigantoid plant as my bridal accouterment and aisle co-conspirator. I chose a gorgeous one that was full of love elixir, fertility enhancing substrates and cupid juice.

This is the echeveria as an unsoiled maiden on our wedding day

        Succulents are awesome because unlike a mass of cut flowers, you CAN replant them and they can continue to LIVE!!! To replant your succulent bouquet, all you have to do is put it out in the sun to dry. The plant will shortly begin to send out new roots. When you spot those little nubbles beginning to grow, put your little symbol of love and all-that-is-right-in-the-world into some rich soil, water it and then watch it spawn. Don't water it too much though, these guys like it sunny and dry.

        After that awesome day, I followed my own directions exactly and after a year and a half in our garden, this is what the she-beast of echeverias looks like today.

Blooming like she owns this f*%#@ garden!

Bitch is more than a bouquet. She's a happening. 

(WARNING: do not become too attached to the health of your succulent and use it as a symbol to decipher the health of your marriage. If your succulent dies, your love still has a 50% chance at life...equivalent to the going rate of divorce in this country).
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